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Jeux de SuperMario Motoneige en ligne, Le meilleur et le beau jeu gratuits en ligne

Singing « Sukiski tobaccy ,» King Beep Bop said, « You stop you’re not exactly on the back beat Look at my feet ,» and the he shuffled up a rhythm Got the monkey going with him In a minute they were Ballin’ Jack in the sand. So the monkey made a coconut tom Found an old drum that belonged to the Voodoos By the middle of the week every native was speakin’ about the monkey and his Medicine Band. He beat the licks with his sticks to a record by Bix Till his rhythm was the talk all over Congo. He had a gnu playin’ the Kazoo And a jug man rounded out the combo. One day, a missionary with umbrella and canary Came riding on a donkey thru the jungle. King Ree Bop said, « heh! stop Pop I know a way we can make a bundle .» So we told the missionary with umbrella and canary Regarding the monkey and the way he played drums, But he added he’d had a little bit of bad luck So he’d like to sell the monkey to Frank Buck. OK, said the man with his umbrella in hand « If a deal is according to Hoyle I’ll see what you’ve got and pay you a lot If you promise me not to boil me in oil. » So he went with the King down to Woo Loo Woo Ling To see it, the big hit make a buck on it But the monkey King deplores about they didn’t know anything at all. There was just another monkey. King Ree Bop wake up and found out he has been dreamin’ And upset ‘cause the little missionary with the bible and canary Said, King it must have been somebody you, etc. So Long ! Mrs Rollins, j’aimerais vous parler. Désolée, j’ai du travail. Moi aussi. Où se trouve votre collier ? Demandez le à mon mari. Il prétend qu’il se trouve dans le coffre de l’hôtel. Soyez donc satisfait ! Votre mari est un menteur, Mrs Rollins. Il n’y est pas. Hello Linda. Je t’avais dit que ma chance tournerait. Lloyd, je veux te parler. Ce n’est pas le moment. Vas t-en, puisque tu prétends ne pas porter chance. Roulez les dés. Vous me porterez chance. Combien Clayton lui a offert pour le collier ? Dix mille dollars, Linda. Tu n’as pas voulu écouter mes conseils. J’ai parfois raison. Je ne suis pas d’humeur
